Really enjoyed and appreciated this. I remember constantly being asked as a teenager and young adult why I was relenting to @the oppression of women” due to my hijab, and always answering that everyone was so focused on what they perceived to be oppression but completely ignored exploitation, which is what I saw.

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"The dignity, safety and protection of half the human race has always meant a great deal more than whether a car company makes a profit."

Well, that was refreshing! But sadly, the word "always" needs to read as "rarely" to capture the reality of the thing.

I remember presenting the research on the economic value (huge!) of treating employees better to a group of CEOs.


It had little impact on their talent management approach because they were mostly nasty control freaks with a lust for power. So much for research changing behavior, as we're learning a lot about these days.

Still, a very good essay Alison. Thanks for presenting the truth about such an important matter. 👏

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Yes, ethically and morally it's always been far more important, but indeed you're right, noting behaviour would lead us to believe otherwise :(

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Lest we forget who’s green lighting most of those images at corporations and ad agencies: men.

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Eye catching for a moment but has never caused me to buy anything.

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Yep, there are definitely more effective ways to advertise!

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